Order Confirmation
Thank you for shopping with us!
Below your is your order details. An email will be sent to your registered email address. We hope to see you again soon!
Order Number: 000000000000000000
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Payment Method: Cash on Delivery
Payment Status: Payment Upon Delivery
Billing Information
Loulo Mohammed
street 121
Al Ain, United Arab Emirates
Delivery Information
Loulo Mohammed
street 121
Al Ain, United Arab Emirates
Delivery timing and schedule will be confirmed within 24 hours
My packages are pending, I cannot process the shipment. I have two one is in New Jersey and the other one in London. I need you to send me all the details so I can send them to me in no time. Remove the hold to allow me to complete the payment. May I know the price for the set? And if I want to choose between the chairs, is this something I can do!. Many thanks, I loved your beautiful classic pieces as nobody can beat the classic French furniture.
French Atmospheres is offering Offline Payment Methods for your convenience:
Cash on Delivery - WhatsApp me a screenshot of your order confirmation.
Online Payment Link - WhatsApp me a screenshot of your order & payment confirmation.
Bank Transfer - WhatsApp me a screenshot of your payment receipt.
WhatsApp: +971 050 490 29 59
Bank Details
Bank: National Bank of Ras Al-Khaimah PJSC (RAKBANK)
Title: French Atmospheres LLC
IBAN: AE690400000392874348001
Account Number: 0392874348001
Currency: AED
Swift Code: NRAKAEAK
Branch: Musaffah Branch

Product Name
AED 0.00

Product Name
AED 0.00
AED 0.00
Delivery Charges
AED 0.00
AED 0.00
AED 0.00